- posters for the individual Langhans Gallery exhibitions
- postcard-size portraits of actors and singers from the Gallery of Eminent People, 1880–1948, 10 Kč each or 140 Kč for a set of sixteen.
Publications related to exhibitions at Langhans Gallery Prague can be purchased:
Mimo zónu. fotografie z let 1970–1989 / Outside. Photographs from the Years 1970–1989.
Articles by Zuzana Meisnerová Wismer, Christine Frisinghelli, and Milena Slavická, and interviews with Anna Fárová by Pavel Vančát and with Dušan Šimánek by Jiří Ptáček. In Czech and English. Prague: Langhans Galerie Praha, 2009. 680 Kč
Martha Rosler. V ní, kolem ní a další postřehy. O dokumentární fotografii (1981) and Post-dokumentaristika, post-fotografie (1999).
Two articles on photography, now published in Czech translation. Edited by Martina Pachmanová. Prague: Pro Langhans, 2008. 40 Kč.
Martha Rosler. Fotografické práce 1965–2008 / Martha Rosler, Photographic Works, 1965–2008.
Articles by Zdenek Felix and Martina Pachmanová. In Czech and English. Prague: Pro Langhans, 2008. 450 Kč.
Camera Austria No. 100: I AM NOT AFRAID.
Aa special edition of the prestigious Austrian periodical, devoted to the Market Photo Workshop Johannesburg project. In Czech. 175 Kč.
Miyako Ishiuchi.
With an article and graphic design by Machiel Botman, Amsterdam. Manfred Heiting and Cinubia Production, 2008. A pop-up book in a protective case, published in a small print-run of 1000 copies. Langhans Gallery Prague is one of a few exclusive distributors. 1550 Kč (€ 62).
Jacob Holdt. United States 1970–1975.
With an article by Christoph Ribbat. In English. Göttingen: GwinZegal-Steidl, 2007. 800 Kč.
Hans-Peter Feldmann. Foto.
With an article by Karel Císař. In Czech and English. Prague: Pro Langhans, 2007. 410 Kč
Anna Fárová & fotografie / Anna Fárová & Photography.
With articles by Josef Chuchma and Zuzana Meisnerová-Wismer. In Czech and English. Prague: Pro Langhans, 2005. 590 Kč
Nobuyoshi Araki. Tokyo Flowers.
With an article by Zdenek Felix. In Czech and English. Prague: Pro Langhans, 2005. 295 Kč
Face to Face: Fotografie ze Sbírky F. C. Gundlach / Face to Face: Photographs from the F. C. Gundlach Collection.
With an article by Zdenek Felix. Trans. by Belinda Gardner and Rafaël Newman. Prague: Pro Langhans, 2004. A trilingual edition, in Czech, German, and English. 240 Kč
Aura. Portréty umělců z Fotostiftung Schweiz/ Aura: Artists from the Fotostiftung Schweiz Collection.
With an article by Walter Binder. In Czech and English. Prague: Nadace Langhans Praha, 2003. 30 Kč
Tváře doby. Političtí vězni padesátých let/Political Prisoners in the Fifties: A Tribute to Courage.
With articles by Kristýna Vlachová, Zuzana Meisnerová-Wismer, and Jiří Majer. In Czech and English. Prague and Lomnice nad Popelkou: Nadace Langhans Galerie Praha and Studio JB, 2003. 260 Kč
Iren Stehli. Libuna: A Gypsy’s Life in Prague.
With articles by Anna Fárová, Milena Hübschmannová, and Martin Heller, as well as an interview with the photographer by Franca Comalini. In German and English. Zurich: Scalo, 2004. 1100 Kč
Ivan Lutterer. Panoramatické fotografie/ Panoramic Photographs, 1984–1991.
With articles by Anna Fárová and Václav Sokol. In Czech and English. Lomnice nad Popelkou: Studio JB, 2004. 600 Kč
Jan Langhans.
Articles by Pavel Scheufler and Zuzana Meisnerová-Wismer. In Czech and English. Prague: Torst, 2005. 299 Kč